Dmitri Hvorostovsky | Russian waltz “Hills of Manchuria”

Dmitri Khvorostovski
Cantor de ópera
DescriçãoDmitri Aleksandrovitch Khvorostovski foi um barítono russo. Hvorostovsky nasceu em Krasnoiarsk, na Sibéria. Estudou na Escola de Artes de Krasnoiarsk sob os ensinamentos de Ekaterina Yofel e fez sua estreia na Casa de Ópera de Krasnoiarsk no papel de Marullo, Rigoletto. Wikipédia
Nascimento: 16 de outubro de 1962, Krasnoyarsk, Rússia
Falecimento: 22 de novembro de 2017, Londres, Reino Unido
Filhos: Nina Hvorostovskaya, Daniel Hvorostovsky, Aleksandra Hvorostovskaya, Maxim Hvorostovsky
Cônjuge: Florence Illi (de 2001 a 2017), Svetlana Hvorostovskaya (de 1989 a 2001)
Filmes e programas de TV: Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin: The Metropolitan Opera, MAIS

Dmitri Hvorostovsky | Bright Is the Night

Ночь светла. Над рекой
Тихо светит луна.
И блестит серебром
Голубая волна.
Темный лес Там в тиши
Изумрудных ветвей
Звонких песен своих
Не поет соловей.
Под луной расцвели
Голубые цветы.
Они в сердце моем
Пробудили мечты.
К тебе грезой лечу,
Твое имя шепчу.
Милый друг, нежный друг,
По тебе я грущу.
Ночь светла. Над рекой
Тихо светит луна.
И блестит серебром
Голубая волна.
В эту ночь при луне
На чужой стороне,
Милый друг, нежный друг,
Помни ты обо мне.

Light is the Night. The moon is
Shining quietly over the river.
And there is silver moonshine
On the blue wave.
The forest is dark. The nightingale isn’t singing
Loudly its songs
On the emerald-green branches
Of the silent trees.
The blue flowers
Are in full bloom in the moonshine.
They have awakened dreams
In my heart.
I’m flying to you in my dreams,
Whispering your name.
My sweetheart, my darling,
I’m longing for you.
My darling, I’m still longing
For you this night.
My sweetheart, my darling,
I recall you in the moonlight ,
this night, still loving you
As much as always.
My sweetheart, my darling,
Remember me
Over there, in your homeland,
In the moonlight, this night.
My sweetheart, my darling,
Remember me…

Dmitri Hvorostovsky | Farewell, Happiness, a folk song a capella

“Farewell, happiness, my life,
I know you go around without me
It means we must part;
I won’t see you any more
Dark little night! Ah, but I can not sleep!
I myself don’t know why
You, dear little girl, …
You alone disturb me,
You alone deprived me of rest.
(refrain; Dark etc)
Remember, remember that May day,
My dear one and I went to swim.
We sat on the sand,
On the yellow, the soft sand.
Dark little night! Ah, but I can not sleep…”